Repulsion or revelation?
It’s scary how much my body reacts when I eat certain fear foods. I recently started to allow myself to have chips again, of course this...
Questioning society, health and beauty
It’s scary how much my body reacts when I eat certain fear foods. I recently started to allow myself to have chips again, of course this...
I was watching a Netflix show the other day, enjoying a beautiful scene in which an abuela (grandmother) was showing her nieto (grandson)...
Eating disorders only entered psychological studies in the 1980s, making it a fairly recent diagnosis. Because of this, I often feel as...
We are currently approaching the end of Ramadan (23rd of May), a spiritual month in the Islamic calendar in which Muslims practice...
When one suffers with an eating disorder, it is very common to also struggle with Body Dysmorphia or BDD. This is when one views their...
I am known for being rigid. I'm not incredibly fussy or strict but I have my own little rules and routines which I like to stick to...
My spiral into into anorexia started off as something from good intentions. A lot of my early diet and exercise habits went unquestioned...
We have a taboo against big bodies in our society. Since lock down started, I have seen more jokes about gaining weight in isolation and...
After reading Ruby Tandoh, I started listening to a podcast called “Racist Sandwich” in which chef and food writer Soleil Ho and...
One benefit of this lock down is that I have been able to get slowly make my way through my reading list. Eventually I stumbled upon Ruby...
For me, the biggest fuel that powered my eating disorder was calorie counting. When I first learnt that if I created a calorie deficit in...
Lock down has proven to be a challenge: with the confinement to only one accepted outdoor exercise a day coupled with the lack of things...
As we are all in lock down, we are all having to find other ways of entertaining ourselves. For me, I love to read and the last couple of...
I am sure you're all wondering "Why has another white girl decided to write her sob story online?". And I don't disagree with you, why...